10 Ways to Reduce Food Waste & Save Money

Food waste is a growing concern around the world. Throwing out edible food isn’t just a problem for your wallet, it’s a problem for the environment. 1/3 of all food produced worldwide goes to waste. Over 50% of America’s produce goes uneaten. Discarded food is sent to landfills, where it produces 34% of the world’s …

A lesson in mindfulness: capture the moment or live in it?

As I reflect on all the personal growth, changes and lessons that 2018 has blessed me with, I sit down to pen my New Year’s Resolutions. While my list has some pretty standard goals on it (get back in shape, eat healthier, buy less, make more), there’s one resolution that stands out at me. Take …

8 Eco-Friendly Christmas Decorations

Nature provides us with so many decorations for the holiday season. That wreath on your door, the Christmas tree, colorful garlands, and decorative ornaments…although these classic holiday decorations are often plastic, they are modeled after their earthly counterparts. It just makes sense to do it the natural way instead. Not only will you help the …

Baby Led Weaning (BLW) – Why We’re Skipping Purees Altogether

We started a new step in our parenting journey last week – introducing Ariana to solid food! We decided to try something called Baby Led Weaning (BLW) instead of going the standard puree route. I’m going to talk about what BLW is, how our first week has gone, what foods we’ve introduced to Ariana so …