When you first start trying to move towards a plastic-free kitchen, it can seem challenging. Maybe you don’t have access to a bulk food store so you end up with more plastic food packaging than you’d like. We don’t have a bulk food store where we live, but we still manage to keep our kitchen …
8 Simple Tips for an Eco-Friendly Halloween
Fall is upon us, which means one thing–all my favorite holidays are coming right up! Even if you’ve been dedicated to reducing your waste all year long, the holiday season always manages to throw everyone for a spin. Halloween is no different. Having an eco-friendly Halloween can seem like a major challenge. Halloween has tons …
12 Tips for a Successful Plastic-Free July
Plastic-Free July is a global challenge that millions of people undertake to reduce their plastic usage. We all know the power of social media challenges and movements, and if you’re reading this, you want to be part of this campaign too! To get started, head on over to www.plasticfreejuly.org to sign up for the challenge. …
Why I Won’t Be Plastic-Free Anytime Soon (& Why That’s Okay With Me)
I have a confession to make. I still use plastic. And I don’t see any foreseeable end to it in my near future (certainly not while I’m living in Japan). Am I always striving to find ways to reduce waste and live more sustainably? Yes. But do I think I’ll be able to be completely …
1 Week of Plastic Free Meals (in Japan)
Since embarking on my zero waste journey, I’ve cut back on plastic waste all over the household. However, the one place that produces the most plastic is in our kitchen. During my No Plastic Week Challenge, I decided to keep a meal log to share some recipes that you should be able to make without …
Plastic-Free for One Week (Japan Edition)
After being on my zero waste journey for 5 months now, I decided to go one week plastic-free. Let me tell you, it was hard! Japan is not the most zero-waste friendly country, not one bit. With my husband out of town for the week, it was the perfect opportunity for me to eliminate my …
Zero Waste Without a Bulk Food Store
With the zero waste movement gaining more and more traction worldwide, I often hear people say that they can’t live a zero waste lifestyle without access to a bulk food store. While a bulk food store is a key component to a completely zero waste lifestyle, you can still significantly reduce your waste while shopping …
How to Freeze in Glass Jars
There are plenty of reasons to avoid freezing in plastic. Whether you’re trying to reduce plastic in your household or you’re worried about chemicals that could be leaching into your food, freezing in glass is an easy solution. Freezing food is an important staple of a zero waste kitchen. You can freeze your veggie scraps …