aqua alarm clock, light blue and black pottery mug and small plant sitting on table on balcony
Mom Life

How 15 Minutes Less of Sleep Makes Me a Better Mom

Recently, I’ve discovered a parenting hack that works wonders for my stress levels, how much patience I have with my daughter, how levelheaded I am when problems arise, and my overall mood throughout the day.

I’ve noticed that my own mood helps set the tone for how the rest of the household feels. When my husband comes home from work and he comes into a chaotic and stressful environment, he gets stressed out. What should’ve been quality time together turns into a series of tense interactions. When I lose my patience with my one year old daughter, she gets frustrated. She throws a temper tantrum–I get more frustrated. The cycle continues.

That internal grumbling starts right away when I wake up to my daughter crying. “Ughhhh, why is she awake so early? I just want to sleep. I just want to sleep in today. Why do I have to get up right now?!” Sound familiar? This used to be the internal dialogue in my head every single day (even though she wakes up at the same time daily).

However, when I sacrifice a little bit of sleep each morning, I’m able to be a more mindful mom throughout the day.

What does being a mindful mom have to do with anything?

I’ve found that when I face my day in a mindful state, I can often dodge these negative feelings and situations completely. Does reducing my sleep by just 15 minutes really make THAT much of a difference to how the rest of my day unfolds?

The answer is yes.

When I set my alarm for 15 minutes before my daughter wakes up, this puts me in charge of my day. Just the simple act of choosing when to wake up vs. being woken up by someone else immediately changes my outlook on the day. I have chosen to wake up at 5:30 am. This is my choice.

I’ve made myself a priority.

Although my morning routine varies slightly day-to-day, I choose a few simple actions to start my day. I wash my face. I drink a large glass of water. I try and clear my mind from any thoughts of the past or future and just pay attention to what’s going on right now. I make a cup of tea. I sit on my balcony. Some days I ponder through a few pages (currently reading The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle). I meditate for a few minutes.

There’s a certain magic in being up before the rest of the world wakes up.

There’s tranquility in the stillness of the early morning. There’s magic in those first rays of sunlight. There’s peace in the birds cheerful singing. The earth is still and I am grateful to be present to witness it.

Sometimes, my daughter wakes up a few minutes earlier and I don’t have time for much of a routine. Other days, I have 30 minutes to myself and am so pleased with this extra alone time I’ve bought myself. Either way, I’ve made a point to carve out a tiny little part of my day that’s dedicated only to myself.

Now, when I hear my daughter wake up and start to cry, I’m excited to have her join me. I’m ready to go for our morning walk, to make breakfast and dance around the living room together. My attitude towards the day is positive and cheerful instead of grumpy and sullen.

Starting my day off on the right side of bed over and over again makes a world of difference in my day. I’m able to be a more mindful mom. Try it for a week and see how it feels for you! Getting up before your kids just may provide you with the same sense of peace it has brought me.

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