path through the woods with trees with yellow leaves on either side
Mom Life

3 Lessons the Earth Teaches Me Every Fall

I love everything that fall symbolizes. There is a season for everything, both for the planet and for our bodies, minds and souls. We are a microcosm in Mother Earth’s macrocosm, and the seasons of the earth also remind us of our own internal seasons and phases.

I love the transition from summer to fall, with its chilly mornings, the first hints of tree leaves changing, and the promise of those long winter days just around the corner when we can cozy up indoors. Whether it’s with your biological family or the soul family you’ve chosen, this is the perfect time to pull close the ones you love and spend some quality time together.

Besides the obvious reasons to love fall, I love the profound lessons that autumn brings. Our planet is many things to me. She is a gentle mother, an encouraging best friend, and a formidable force that demands respect. And when I take time to listen to what the Earth is telling me, she is the wisest of teachers.


The first lesson that this season teaches me is to accept change. Sometimes it’s tempting to get stuck in the same pattern, just because it’s comfortable. We go through many different chapters in our life, each of them holding its own set of lessons to help us grow and evolve.

Fall is a firm reminder of the constant transformation of the outer world and our own minds and bodies. Nothing stays the same. Accepting the impermanence of life means that we treasure the present moment more than ever. When we learn to accept the beauty of change, we’re able to flow through life with ease.

Reflect: Think about some of the biggest life changes you’ve experienced. Were you resistant to the change or were you accepting? Which way is more beneficial? Notice that even changes you were resistant to, ended up bringing positive growth to your life. Realize that all of those changes made you who you are today.

When we adapt well to change, we’re able to view the cup as half full and find opportunities for personal growth in the setbacks.


During the autumn equinox, day and night are of equal lengths. In Celtic traditions, this time of year is celebrated with a bountiful harvest. It’s a time when the crops are still producing, yet we still need to look forward to the long winter ahead and prepare accordingly. While the earth is still giving us plenty to live off of, the soil is also dying. The days are still warm, but the nights are cold. On the equinox, the sun enters into Libra. This astrological sign’s symbol is the balanced scale. Throughout the ages, this time of year has always placed an importance on balance.

Reflect: Take a few minutes to think about where you need balance. Are you giving more of a priority to your work over your personal relationships? Do you spend more time in front of the TV instead of pursuing hobbies that genuinely bring you joy? Do you give yourself the same amount of care that you give others in your life?

There are many ways we become out of balance without noticing. This time of year reminds us that we need to have balance in our lives if we want to have harmony.

Letting Go

Just as the trees start to shed their leaves, it is also a time for us to reflect back on what this year has brought us and let go what no longer serves us. The earth knows that for life to be reborn in the spring, it must first die in the winter.

Letting go of old patterns allows us to make room for the new. We only have but so much space in our lives. If we cling to toxic relationships in our personal lives, we don’t have the space to find a positive relationship that will help us grow. If we keep following old patterns, we don’t realize how many different life paths and opportunities are out there.

Reflect: Take a step back and think about where you’re at in life right now. What can you let go of that doesn’t serve you any more? What old habits are you ready to break free from? Think about how you can create space for new people, experiences and opportunities to present themselves.

Final Reflection

As the darkness of the night grows and the year comes to an end, it is a time to go within and reflect on our lives. Accepting change, finding balance in our daily lives and having the ability to let go are three key factors to feeling centered and living a life that flows with ease. By learning from the Earth’s seasons, we can develop an inner strength and resiliency that remains constant no matter what the outer world sends our way.

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